Tuesday, May 10, 2011

mushy-mushy post, jangan bace kalau xnak!

hye deee....
berapa hari dah aku x jumpe kau kannn...
heeeee rindu macam orang gilak!
aku da masuk mode ala-ala jiwang berkarat dah ni...
aku rindu...
aku xtau kenape...
aku rindu sangat!
kat 'die'
lagi sejak2 mamat teluk intan tu dah kantoi...
sakit hati aku la deee...
tetibe aku rase aku sesorang jek...
xde sesape yg boleh ade di samping aku...
kalau dolu-dolu tu ade la membe yg tu dengan yg tu...
sekarang ni aku rase aku kene handle benda2 perasaan bagai ni semua sendiri...
da xde orang nak teman dengar bebel nasihat ape semua lagi...
aku rase nak nangis...
sob sob sob
aku tau aku buat salah kat 'die'
tapi sampai sekarang 'die' x boleh nak maafkan aku...
nak jadi kawan pun x boleh...
aku betul nak nangis ni...
da bertakung menahan je air mata ni...
malam ni aku jumpe kau mood kacau la...
'you can count on me cause i can count on you'
tetibe pulak kan lagu yang tengah berdentum kat telinga ni keluar ayat tu...
wahai hati, redalah perasaan resah gelisah mu ini...

ok stop touching!
erk? touching ke ni??
ok stop lah wei!

thanks :)))
love ya <3

Thursday, May 5, 2011

nasib kembar x seiras sekata je! +__+

hye deee....
heee kau ape khabar??
kau ni dah gile ke auni??
x pernah dibuatnye dek manusia2 sekalian la bertanye kat deee...
kau sorang jek...
eh! suke hati aku laa!
kau ape sehbok2!
deee kawan aku sehidup semati kan3???
sah kau ni dah mabuk...
aku mabuk sebab malam ni mood aku mushymushy...
haaaa deee ni baru nak mula cerita la ni....

pagi tadi kannnn....
aku semangat je nak pergi sekolah ambil sijil jumpe cikgu2 sekalian...
jumpe teacher ummu...
jumpe lagi cikgu....err sape name homeroom teacher aku mase f5 tu??
errr...sape2 laaa janji da jumpe cikgu tu...
puas hati da borak2 sikit2...
ambil la segala sijil bagai...
sijil SPM,SMA,LCCI,englishpunyesijil and....
sijil PMR...
kau da masuk uitm tu sijil PMR tu pun x amek lagi ke??
kelakar betul kannnn...
lepas da habes segala benda cerita kat sekolah tu kitorang beramai-ramai manusia sekalian berjalan-jalan di JJ...
JJ mane faham2 je lah kan...
mane lagi aku nak pergi kalau bukan situ kannnn...
walau banyak benda yang mengingatkan aku pada....
ok stop di situ.
kami manusia sekalian makan2 sebab makhluk2 di situ da kelaparan bagai nak GILA ye...
pembesaran di situ sebab rasenye ade yang mungkin da membaham orang kalau x disegerakan pergi makan tu...
hihi hiperbola terlebih la kau auni....
lepas da kenyang *burp,ops!* masing2 da tersenyum kegirangan...
berjalan lah kami3 di keliling JJ tu...
tapi gerak pecah2 la...
aku jalan berdua dengan minah owner si SUCI YANG PUTIH MELEPAK SESUCI ALAM TUH LA KAN!
grrr! geram lah aku dengan suci tu...
maaf xade kene mengena dangan si owner AMALINA AZMI ye...
jangan nak perasan sangat lah!
ok stop da terlebih gula puji si suci kang makin over plak sucisesucinya tu..
jalan pusing2 masuk popular ok jumpe kawan sekolah ok hi!bla bla bla bye!
selamat aku beli dua novel yang mungkin berbaloilah jugak...
baiklah beah! memang kau nasib baik sebab aku dah beli novel yang aku cerita kat kau hari tu...
okay pusing2 lagi masuk JJ mall jumpe amir*ok bukan lelaki perempuan name amirah*
jumpe abang amal, si ammar *dulu:oh!hensemnya abang amal ni...sekarang:hi!(tayang gigi je)*
keluar JJ pusing2 lagi entah da berape banyak pusing lah!
pusing macam gigi amal dah ops! sori amal! tercakap! hihi!
pusing masuk kedai....err ape jadah name kedai ni??
aku ingat ade toons jek belakang tu kedai depan cinema...
keluar kedai......
jeng jeng jeng....
aku jalan depan bangku sambil mate terpandang makhluk yang duduk itu...
ohhhhh errrrrrrrr.......tersengih tawar
ohh hi abang bit*err lantaklah eja camne pun!* sambil tampal senyum gula separuh sudu tu
aku terus menapak pergi eskalator turun cari manusia2 semua nak ajakk balik!
sumpah aku terus teringat kat 'dia'!
bangbit tu pulak kembar x seiras sekata dengan 'dia' pulak!
walau ade iras muka 'dia' tu...
padan la pun semalam aku x sedap hati langsung langsung..
mase masuk JJ tu pun same je gayanye...
ok dah sikit kut meleleh bace novel tadi...
sedih mengingat 'dia' pun keluar sekali...
i still LOVE him.........

i know you would hear to me bout anything....:))
love ya <3

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

philophobic??naa...this for friends also can maaa...^^

hye deeee...
heeee jumpe dengan aku lagi...
hihi deee....
nak kongsi dengan kau bende yang aku bace kat novel....
seee novel pun bagi inspirasi nak meluah perasaan kat kau kannnn...
hihihi =D

read this......

have you ever wondered which hurts the most?

saying something and wishing you hadn't?

or saying nothing and wishing you had?

i guess the most important things are the hardest things to say.

don't be afraid to TELL someone you love them.

if you do,they might break your heart...

if you don't, you might break theirs.

have you ever decided not to become a couple because you were so afraid of losing what you already had with that person???

your heart decides whom it likes and whom it doesn't.

you CAN'T tell your heart what to do.

it does on its own...when you least suspect it, or even when you don't want it.

have you ever wanted to love someone with everything you had, but that other person was too afraid to let you??

Too many of us stay walled up because we are too afraid to care too much...for fear that the other person does not care as much, or even at all.

Have you ever denied your feelings for someone because your fear of rejection was too hard to handle??

We tell lies when we are afraid…afraid of what we don’t know, afraid of what others will think, afraid of what will be found out about us.

But every time we tell a lie, the thing we fear GROWS stronger.

Life is all about risks and it REQUIRES you to jump.

Don’t be a person who has to look back and wonder what they WOULD have done, or COULD have had.

*what would you do if every time you fell in love you HAD to say good-bye?

*what would you do if every time you wanted someone they would never be there?

*what would you do if your best friend died tomorrow and you never got to tell them how you felt? (even if YOU DON’T CARE ANYMORE)

*what would you do if you LOVED someone more than ever and you couldn’t have them??

*what would you do if you NEVER got the chance TO SAY I am friends with all of my family and they know I love them?

*people live, but people die. I want to tell you that you are a friend.

If you died tomorrow(God Forbid) YOU WOULD BE IN MY HEART. WOULD I BE IN YOURS??

IF YOU care about me as much as I care about you, you will send this back.

We might be best friends one year, pretty good friends the next year, don’t talk that often the next, and DON’T WANT TO TALK at all the year after that.

So I just wanted to say, even if I never talk to you again in my life, YOU ARE SPECIAL TO ME and you have made a difference in my life.

I look up to you, respect you, truly cherish you, most of all I CARE about friends.

Send this to all your friends, no matter HOW OFTEN you talk, or HOW CLOSE you are, and send it to the person who sent it to you.

LET OLD FRIENDS know you haven’t forgotten them, and tell new friends you never will.

Remember, wveryone needs a friend someday. You might feel like you have NO FRIENDS at all, just remember this e-mail and take comfort in knowing somebody out there CARES ABOUT YOU AND ALWAYS WILL…

I care about YOU!!!

this is me talking now...
lepas bace benda ni kau rase ape deee??
tau tak lepas aku bace benda ni orang yang aku paling ingat siape??
orang yang aku paling sayang tapi yang tak mungkin akan boleh bercakap dengan aku lagi...
kau sedih tak yang aku merungut pasal orang lain kat kau??
kau tak sedih kan???
sebab tu aku sayang kau lebih...
hihi deee...
i miss them, i miss her, i miss him...

deee........ thanks :)
love ya <3

Monday, May 2, 2011

rumah banjir....-.-"

hye deee....
hihi saya da sampai rumah!!
haha! ingat excited macam orang gilak nak balik rumah hari tu...
tiba2 da sampai rumah ni rase xnak duduk rumah pulak...
sebab kene kemas rumah...hoho
ape punye anak dara la ni kann deee???
hihi malas laaaaa....
semua nak kene air banjir...
dengan lumpur lagi bau busuknye lagi...
urgh! busuk tau!
aku ni memang la alergi betul rumah masuk2 banjir ni tau...
buat tambah kerje jek!
nasib sekarang lantai dah ber'tile'2....
tinggal basuh dan mop jek...
kalau dulu....
dengan karpet nye lagi...
dengan tikar getah nye lagi...
buat semak jek nak buang yang lame beli yang baru...
ingat kitorang ni banyak duit sangat ke????

tapi betul laa banjir yang baru ni memang teruk punye....
sampai kat dalam rumah pun air sampai lutut...
nasib aku balik memang dalam rumah da surut kalau idak...
mau aku blank xtau nak buat ape duduk rumah nenek....

love yaa <3